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作者: 李春强   信息来源:食品学院    发布时间: 开云体育nba官网-05-13

李春强,博士,副教授,硕士生导师,主要研究方向为肉制品加工与利用。入选辽宁省“百千万人才工程”万人层次、沈阳市高层次人才高级人才、沈阳开云体育nba官网“天柱山青年骨干教师”。 辽宁省一流课程《开云体育nba官网》、《开云体育》主讲教师;兼任辽宁省畜牧兽医学会无公害肉类学分会理事、Food chemistry 评审专家。主持国家级、省部级项目4项,参与国家级、省市级项目14项。获得中国畜产品加工研究会科技进步奖二等奖1项、辽宁省自然科学学术成果奖三等奖1项、沈阳市自然科学学术成果奖二等奖2项、沈阳市自然科学学术成果三等奖3项。发表学术论文19篇,其中SCI收录12篇。获得授权专利8件。参编国家规划教材3部。


1.Jun Liu, Ze Yu, Wenru Xie, Lu Yang, Mingyun Zhang, Chunqiang Li*, Jun-hua Shao. Effects of tetrasodium pyrophosphate coupled with soy protein isolate on the emulsion gel properties of oxidative myofibrillar protein. Food Chemistry, 2023, 408: 135208.

2.Chunqiang Li*, Wenru Xie, Xue Zhang, Jun Liu, Mingyun Zhang, Jun-hua Shao. Pickering emulsion stabilized by modified pea protein-chitosan composite particles as a new fat substitute improves the quality of pork sausages. Meat Science, 2023, 197: 109086. 

3.Qingling Wang, Xiaoqian Geng, Hongfei Zhao, Di Yu, Junhua Shao, Chunqiang Li*. Tetrasodium pyrophosphate ameliorates oxidative damage to the TGase-catalyzed gelation of actomyosins. Food Chemistry, 2022, 378: 132128.

4.Qingling Wang, Yue Sun, Junhua Shao, Bowen Lv, Ze Yu, Sihan Zhao, Chunqiang Li*. Tetrasodium pyrophosphate promotes light meromyosin crosslinking by microbial transglutaminase. Food Chemistry, 2021, 346: 128910.

5.Chunqiang Li, Youling L. Xiong*. Mild oxidation promotes myosin S2 cross-linking by microbial transglutaminase. Food Chemistry. 2019, 287: 390-397. 

6.Chunqiang Li, Youling L. Xiong*. Disruption of secondary structure by oxidative stress alters the cross-linking pattern of myosin by microbial transglutaminase. Meat Science, 2015, 108: 97-105.

7.Chunqiang Li, Youling L. Xiong*, Jie Chen. Protein oxidation at different salt concentrations affects the cross-linking and gelation of pork myofibrillar protein catalyzed by microbial transglutaminase. Journal of Food Science, 2013, 78 (6): C823-C831.

8.Chunqiang Li, Youling L. Xiong*, Jie Chen. Oxidation-induced unfolding facilitates myosin cross-linking in myofibrillar protein by microbial transglutaminase. Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry, 2012, 60 (32): 8020-8027.

9.Jinyue Zheng, Di Sun, Xingxia Li, Dengyong Liu, Chunqiang Li, Yan Zheng*, Xiqing Yue, Jun-Hua Shao*. The effect of fatty acid chain length and saturation on the emulsification properties of pork myofibrillar proteins. LWT - Food Science and Technology, 2021, 139: 110242,.

10.Zongyuan Han, Junlong Zhang, Chunqiang Li, Di Zhao, Xiqing Yue, Jun-Hua Shao*. Effect of secondary heat-induced aggregation on pork meat batter protein conformation, hydration characteristic, textural quality and in vitro digestibility. Food & Function, 2019, 10(11): 7407-7415.

11.Jinyue Zheng, Di Zhao, Chunqiang Li, Xiqing Yue, Jun-Hua Shao*. Raman spectroscopy and low-field nuclear magnetic resonance used to monitor the relationship between protein conformation and water retention in the formation for process of gel. Journal of Food Processing and Preservation, 2019, 43(12): e14225.

12.Xiaodan Wang*, Ruijia Wu, Yingming Cai, Chunqiang Li, Ying Wang, Lingtao Zhu, Liping Xu, Xing Li, Jinjiao Duan. Nondestructive Detection Method for Beef Water-Holding Capacity Using Modified Test Paper. International Journal of Food Engineering, 2019, 15(8): 1-9. 

13.李春强, 刘俊, 赵虹霏, 谢文茹, 邵俊花*, 张铭芸. 加热-超声-pH偏移联合改性大豆球蛋白纳米颗粒制备及稳定性研究. 中国食品学报, 2023, 23(10): 178-194. 

14.吕博文; 耿晓茜; 张月姝; 于泽; 李春强*, 邵俊花. 焦磷酸钠对腺嘌呤核苷三磷酸解离氧化肌动球蛋白的影响. 食品科学, 2021, 42(8): 10-16. 

15.孙悦, 耿晓茜, 张月姝, 王石, 石蕊, 赵虹霏, 李春强*. 焦磷酸钠对氧化猪肉肌原纤维蛋白的谷氨酰胺转移酶交联反应及凝胶性能的影响.食品科学, 2020, 41(02): 15-21.

16.张月姝, 武俊瑞, 李春强*. 红肉及加工肉制品与结直肠癌风险关系的研究进展, 食品工业科技, 2019, 40(9), 323-328.

17.李春强, 陈洁, 熊幼翎*. 肌原纤维蛋白氧化对谷氨酰胺转移酶介导的交联反应及凝胶性的影响. 食品工业科技, 2013, 34: 141-144.

18.丁雨欣, 高艳慧, 李春强, 岳喜庆, 邵俊花*. 均匀设计法优化柞蚕蛹蛋白的超声波改性工艺.食品科技, 2021 ,46(11): 55-63.

19.曹云刚, 李颖, 李春强, 赵倩倩, 朱振宝*, 李保玲, 秦雪翠. 石榴皮提取物对猪肉饼冷藏过程中脂肪氧化稳定性的影响[J]. 肉类研究, 2018, 32(12): 14-18.









8.Method for improving meat paste quality of cast layer,荷兰发明专利


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